Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 3 (Monday)

Today felt pretty good, and I have been super mobile.

Receiving flowers and 'get well' cards certainly helped, too!

Still some gas in there trying to escape, but only minimal right shoulder pain this morning. Because I am less bloated, I have been able to walk more upright which has helped in being more active.

No shower, because I'm being overly paranoid about the steri-tape over my incisions now that that protective film and gauze is off (even though my instructions say I can shower).

But, I got dressed on my own, made two dozen trips to the toilet and up and down the stairs, harvested a bunch of basil from our garden, potted some of the basil so I can keep it over the winter, sat outside in the u for a while (gorgeous day outside), and was more or less independent all day long since Richard is home but working.

Needless to say, I got really tired on and off in between some of these activities. But it didn't feel bad, it felt like strengthening. It was mainly fatigue (not pain) in my back which I assume is working extra hard since I don't have the strength I'm used to in my abdomen. I just need to make sure I listen to my body.

One of the most challenging parts of this recovery so far is not the boredom, but the transition from being fairly physically active, and not even thinking about the 'little' things I do in a typical day--like walking downstairs to make a cup of tea, and bringing it back upstairs--that are now physically exhausting.

No Percocet all day, just at bedtime, and it's only the third day!


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