Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 2 (Sunday) - Part 2

I am still feeling very bloated, but things are a little better now that I have done two things:
  1. managed to take a poo (full disclosure here!); 
  2. taken a Percocet (which may not lessen the gas/shoulder pain, but certainly distracts me from it).
In the meantime, since it is my third day in a row of taking a narcotic, I thought I would read up on it a little.

Things I learned about Percocet [oxycodone/acetaminophen]:
  • opioid = synthetic narcotic; opiate = naturally active narcotic found in opium
  • oxycodone is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from thebaine, one of the three major natural opiates found in opium (the other two being morphine and codeine)
  • Health communication note: While either the term narcotic or opioid can be used interchangeably for opioids (narcotics being more general, opioids more specific), people generally perceive each word differently
  • While drug dependence can be a concern related to narcotics abused or used over a long period of time (generally not an issue when prescribed post-surgery pain), equally or more concerning with Percocet is overdose of acetaminophen (Tylenol). In fact, this is the main thing I was specifically cautioned about regarding my prescription drugs in my written home care instructions (though I was verbally instructed on both my ibuprofen and Percocet).
Just thought I would share, since I've never really used an opioid before. Though I took codeine (pure opiate) w/acetaminophen post wisdom teeth surgery several years ago for one day. It made me incredibly nauseous and sick, so I coped with the pain after that. This time is much better. Guess there's a reason for the semi-synthetic versions.

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